Tuesday 9 March 2010

Super Earth Planet Discovered Second Smallest

The planet hunters to search for planets the size of Earth was never vanished. One by one the secrets surrounding objects Stars began to lift. This time, the planet hunters managed to detect extrasolar planets whose mass is only 4 times the mass of Earth.

Small isn't it? The planet is the second smallest planet found after the discovery of COROT 7b. This new planet discovery not only adds to the long list of super-Earth planet, but he also became another candidate who gives evidence that the era of small planets is no longer a foreign thing. It also can give the view that the existence of planet Earth-sized planets around stars is a common thing in a planetary system. 
Exoplanet HD 156668b with the name it only takes 4 days to orbit its parent star is 80 light years from Earth, precisely in the direction of the constellation of Hercules. The inventor of this planet, Andrew Howard of the University of California at Berkeley (UCB) and a team of California Planet Search (CPS) consisting of Geoff Marcy (UCB), Debra Fischer (Yale University), John Johnson (California of Institute of Technology) and Jason Wright (Penn State University), managed to make observations of this small planet using the Keck I telescope on Mauna Kea 10meter, Hawai'i.
Method Radial velocity Planet HD 156668b was found by using the radial velocity method or methods Wobble observed and captured by the instruments mounted Hires in the Keck telescope.
Radial velocity technique is most productive method of finding Exoplanet. At least nearly 400 Exoplanet found with this method, although most are Jupiter-sized planets.
With the radial velocity technique, we can determine the change in the radial velocity of stars and planets move around the center of mass. Planet's gravitational forces will disrupt the movement of stars, so that looks like a rock star. As they moved toward the center of mass, velocity star will be slightly changed, and seemed to move away from medekati and observers. The bigger the planet and the closer the planet to its parent star, then the sooner the star's movement and the greater the shift in the spectrum.
Shift the color spectrum are also likely to provide information and characteristics of the planet's mass to the astronomers. Information and Instructions pieces Can not deny, low-mass planets is one of the important goals in the search for extrasolar planets. Not only to meet the human dream to find planets similar to Earth in size and outside our Solar System, but also to complete the pieces of information that have been found.
The discovery of extrasolar planets in 1995 gave a new color as well mengumpulkn pieces of information from any planets found and from the system. From all that, the information found most frequently derived from mass planets into categories of large gas giant planets.
From the information available, astronomers will already have instructions from the formation and evolution of high-mass planets. But to understand the whole system, required pieces of information from mass planets like the planet's super-low-Earth. This information will provide instructions on how super-Earth planets formed and migrated. Are also likely to be a major goal of the program Eta-Earth Survey for Low Mass Planets led by Geoff Marcy.
Until now, the program has discovered two planets that have masses similar to Earth's mass. In the future will more and more clues that could be collected, because the era of super-Earth discovery plaet has begun.

Three New Planets Discovered Jupiter-sized

Since the first discovered, Exoplanet, or extrasolar planets, or planets outside the solar system became a hot topic discussed everywhere and become one of the leading topics in science. This was strengthened when it was discovered planet Gliese types of Earth in 581.
This time, 3 Exoplanet found by team members Wide Area Search fot Planets (WASP) and published in an international conference that took place extrasolar planets in Suzhou, China. Planets found it a Jupiter-sized planets and named WASP-3, WASP-4 and WASP-5. The third planet found with the transit method, using super camera in South Africa and the Canary Islands are constantly monitors millions of stars in the sky.
This discovery became interesting because this team right now is the only team that discovered transiting planet with a method for parts of northern and southern skies. WASP-4 and WASP-5 is the first planet discovered in South Africa and they are also the brightest transiting planets in the southern hemisphere sky. Meanwhile, WASP-3 was found in the northern hemisphere sky using a camera SuperWASP in the Canary islands.
All three planets are all Jupiter-sized, but they orbit their parent stars at very close range. Even a year will be completed less than 2 days. Time there will very quickly pass it?
Now, with conditions very close to its parent star, the surface temperature of these planets will be more than 2000 degrees Celsius, the result will be very difficult for there lives there. But however the discovery of Jupiter-mass planets also gives the idea that Earth-sized planets are also waiting to be found, provided that the technology was possible.

The X Planet is not Nibiru Planet

The outer solar system still has many minor planets yet discovered. Planet X since the search began in the early 20th century, the possibility of a hypothetical planet orbiting the Sun beyond the Kuiper Belt have been burned Doomsday theories and speculation that Planet X is actually a brother of our sun that has long, Äúhilang, Au. But, why we should worry first gets Planet X / Theory of Apocalypse is this? Planet X's nothing but a hypothetical object that is not known?
These theories also encouraged by the Mayan prophecies of the world will end in 2012 (Mayan Prophecy) and mythical stories about the Sumerians Nibiru Planet, and finally heating up now as, Äúramalan Resurrection, Au December 21, 2012. However, astronomical evidence used for these theories completely off the mark.
On June 18 last, Japanese researchers announced news that their theoretical results for a large mass outside our solar system has resulted. From their calculations, there may be a planet slightly larger than an object plutoid or dwarf planet, but certainly smaller than Earth, which orbits the Sun at a distance of more than 100 SA. But, before we lost on this discovery, the planet Nibiru is not, nor evidence of this world will end in 2012. This discovery is a new discovery and is a very interesting development in the search for minor planets beyond the Kuiper Belt.
In the theoretical simulation, two Japanese researchers have concluded that the outermost parts of our solar system may contain an undiscovered planet. Patryk Lykawa and Tadashi Mukai of Kobe University have published their paper in the Astrophysical Journal. Their paper describes the minor planets, which they believe to interact with the mysterious Kuiper Belt that.

Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs)

Kuiper Belt occupies a vast territory in our Solar System, approximately 30-50 SA from the Sun, and contains a large number of objects and metallic rock. The largest known object is a dwarf planet (plutoid) Eris. Has long been known, the Kuiper Belt has a strange characteristic, which may indicate the presence of an object (planet) orbiting the Sun a large Kuiper Belt beyond. Karakterikstik one is called the "Kuiper Cliff" or gap Kuiper found at a distance of 50 SA. This is the end of the Kuiper Belt suddenly, and very few Kuiper Belt objects have been observed beyond this point. This gap can not be linked to the orbital resonance with massive planets such as Neptune, and apparently not in error (error) observations. Many astronomers believe that the end of a sudden in the Kuiper Belt population may be caused by an undiscovered planet, which may be of the Earth. This object is believed to Lykawka and Mukai, and have their existence into account.
Japanese researchers are predicting a large object, whose mass is 30-70% of the mass of Earth, orbiting the Sun at a distance of 100-200 SA. This object may also help explain why some of Kuiper Belt objects and Trans-Neptunian object (TNO) has some odd orbital characteristics, such as Sedna.

Since the discovery of Pluto in 1930, astronomers have been looking for other objects more massive, which could explain the observed orbital disturbances in the orbit of Neptune and Uranus. This search is known as "Search Planet X", which translates literally as "the search for planets that have not been identified". In the 1980s the orbital disturbance is regarded as an error (error) observations. Therefore, the scientific search for Planet X would be today is the search for Kuiper Belt objects are large, or search for minor planets. Although Planet X may not be for the mass of Earth, the researchers will still be interested to look for objects other Kuiper, a possible size plutoid, maybe a little bigger, but not too large.
"The interesting thing for me is the suggestion of the kinds of very interesting objects that may yet await discovery in the outer solar system. We are still scratching the edges of that region of the solar system, and I expect many surprises await us with the future deeper surveys. "- Mark Sykes, director of the Planetary Science Institute (PSI) in Arizona.
Planet X is not Scary So where Nibiru is coming from? In 1976, a controversial book entitled The Twelfth Planet or Planet The twelve Zecharian written by Sitchin. Sitchin has translated the writings of ancient Sumerian wedge-shaped (known form of writing most ancient). 6000-year-old writings reveal that an alien race known as the Anunnaki from the planet called Nibiru, landed on Earth. Brief stories, modify the genes of primates Anunnaki on Earth to create homo sapiens as a slave to them.
When the Anunnaki left Earth, they let us rule this earth until the time they return. All this may seem a bit fantastic, and maybe also a little too detailed when considering all of this is the literal translation of an ancient writing 6,000 years old. Sitchin job has been ignored by the scientific community as the method of interpretation are considered imaginative. Nonetheless, many are listening Sitchin, and believed that Nibiru (with a very eccentric orbit around the Sun in) will return, probably in 2012 for causing all the destruction and terror-terror on Earth. From the "discovery" is dubious astronomical hypothesis 2012 Doomsday Planet X is based. Then, how Planet X is considered as the embodiment of Nibiru?
Then there is also "the discovery of brown dwarfs outside our solar system" of IRAS in 1984 and the "NASA announcement will be planetary mass of 4-8 Earth masses are to Earth" in 1933. Advocates of this hypothesis depends on the end of astronomical discovery that, as proof that Nibiru Planet X is actually a long-sought astronomers during this century. Not only that, by manipulating the facts about scientific research, they "prove" that Nibiru was heading our (Earth), and in 2012, this massive object will enter the inside of our Solar System, causing gravitational disturbances.
In its purest definition, Planet X is the unknown planet, which theoretically might orbit the Sun far beyond the Kuiper Belt. If the discovery a few days ago it finally led to the observation of a planet or a plutoid, then this will be a wonderful invention that helps us understand the evolution and characteristics of the mysterious outer parts of our Solar System.

Source: Universe Today