Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Three New Planets Discovered Jupiter-sized

Since the first discovered, Exoplanet, or extrasolar planets, or planets outside the solar system became a hot topic discussed everywhere and become one of the leading topics in science. This was strengthened when it was discovered planet Gliese types of Earth in 581.
This time, 3 Exoplanet found by team members Wide Area Search fot Planets (WASP) and published in an international conference that took place extrasolar planets in Suzhou, China. Planets found it a Jupiter-sized planets and named WASP-3, WASP-4 and WASP-5. The third planet found with the transit method, using super camera in South Africa and the Canary Islands are constantly monitors millions of stars in the sky.
This discovery became interesting because this team right now is the only team that discovered transiting planet with a method for parts of northern and southern skies. WASP-4 and WASP-5 is the first planet discovered in South Africa and they are also the brightest transiting planets in the southern hemisphere sky. Meanwhile, WASP-3 was found in the northern hemisphere sky using a camera SuperWASP in the Canary islands.
All three planets are all Jupiter-sized, but they orbit their parent stars at very close range. Even a year will be completed less than 2 days. Time there will very quickly pass it?
Now, with conditions very close to its parent star, the surface temperature of these planets will be more than 2000 degrees Celsius, the result will be very difficult for there lives there. But however the discovery of Jupiter-mass planets also gives the idea that Earth-sized planets are also waiting to be found, provided that the technology was possible.

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